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Giambrone expands its forex lawyer and binary trading litigation practice in Italy with lateral hire

International law firm Giambrone has announced the appointment of Associate Vito Anello to its Europe and Middle East forex lawyer and binary options disputes team. Vito, who was previously at the Italian Chamber of Commerce in Luxembourg, will join the...

Cross-border estate planning: the EU Succession Regulation To Affect Foreign Wills And Cross-Border Estates

Anyone who has been involved in cross-border inheritance or estate planning will be aware that it is a complex process especially when someone owns property in more than one country. This is because the various assets in the same estate can be subject to...

Brazilian Oil Giant Petrobras Caught in Corruption Scandal: Class Action Lawsuit Filed in New York

The Brazilian state-controlled oil multinational whose shares are listed on both Brazil's stock exchange (Bovespa), and the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE), has admitted involvement in Brazil's biggest ever corruption scandal.  Since December...

Senior Associate John Norton quoted in Euromoney magazine

27 May, 2015 . John Norton, Senior Associate, is quoted in an FX manipulation article published by Euromoney , a leading business and finance magazine, Click here to read the full article....

5 Major Banks fined for Forex manipulation

Five major banks will pay fines up to 6 billions of dollars for manipulating the foreign exchange market in a settlement expected to be unveiled Wednesday by US and British regulators. The banks are American giants JPMorgan Chase and Citigroup, British...

Giambrone Forex Litigation Team represents private investors as UBS AG and five other banks face a series of class-action lawsuits for Forex Fraud

The Department of Justice (DOJ) ordered UBS AG (one of the three largest Swiss banks) and five others to hand over billions of dollars in fines amid accusations of currency-price fixing, manipulation of benchmark exchange rates collusion with five other...

La disciplina sul trasferimento dei detenuti in Italia e all'estero

A cura di Donatella Sicomo Si parla di  trasferimento di persone condannate  per indicare la procedura in base alla quale un condannato , che sta già scontando la pena in un paese estero , viene ...

Giambrone to participate in the first international Borsa between Arab and Italian Companies 20 - 21 February 2015

Giambrone’s senior lawyers, Alessandra Bellanca and Giorgio Bianco , are to participate in a two-day event organised by the Italian-Arab Chamber of Commerce and hosted in Cagliari , Italy. This initiative aims to facilitate interaction and...

Ricorso a medicina: lo Studio Giambrone incontra gli studenti a Catania

Il ricorso presso le facolta' di medicina, definito dagli stessi studenti come "contro-ricorso", e' stato caldeggiato e seguito con grande cura dei particolari dal nostro Studio Legale. Ne abbiamo anche...

5 Reasons why it is the perfect time to buy a property in Italy

Buying a property in Italy has brought enormous benefit to many international buyers and the trend is set to continue.  With Italian property prices still sluggish in sun-kissed hot spots in Italy, Italy is now more than ever an affordable investment...

Gabriele Giambrone interviewed by Treasury Today

Gabriele Giambrone interviewed on Treasury Today in relation to the latest Forex manipulation scandal that has hit the UK banking industry Gabriele Giambrone comments on the future implications for the banking industry in relation to the...

Giambrone Expands and Relocates Office in Milan

Giambrone is delighted to announce the launch of its relocated office in Milan at Foro Buonparte 12, 20121.   The offices, redesigned to Giambrone's specifications, are situated in the prestigious financial district of Milan where...

Banking Forex Trading Scandal

Banking Forex Trading Scandal: Giambrone’s Forex Lawyers ready to sue five of the world’s largest banks which have been collectively fined £2.6bn by UK and US regulators over allegations of forex fraud and foreign exchange market rigging ...

180 Italian Divorce Petitions Overturned by Top English Judge

While the Italian government has been deliberating and debating the approval of the “quickie divorce” for several months, with a decision yet to be made, many Italian couples, having been assisted by agencies guaranteeing a faster divorce abroad,...

Giambrone is assisting a number of creditors of Blue Panorama Airlines S.p.A.

Giambrone is assisting a number of creditors of Blue Panorama Airlines S.p.A., headquartered in Roma (Italy), Viale Liegi, 32, tax code 05590151006. The company has been declared insolvent by the Court of Rome and it has been subjected to a...

Ever fancied buying a house in Tunisia? New draft law could make this a reality

An imminent change in the law may benefit Foreign Investors hoping to purchase houses for sale in tunisia. Foreigners have traditionally found it hard to buy a house in Tunisia as all foreigners must obtain the authorization of the Governorate...

Modification of the Italian Law: The Legal Status of a Child

New Filiation Rules: No more A or B category division for children. Legislative Decree of 28/12/2013 No 154, published on the Gazzetta Ufficiale on 08/01/2014 The Legislative Decree of 28/12/2013 No 154, published on the Gazzetta Ufficiale on...

New Tunis Office opens 30th April 2014

GIAMBRONE SARL NEW OFFICE The new office is located at: Rue de Constance, Immeuble Net Immobilier A 2.4 1053 Berges du Lac Tunisia   CONTACT NUMBERS Telephone numbers :00216 71 860 856 / 00216 71 861 012 Fax 00216  71 860 891 PLEASE...

Giambrone retrieves more than $1.5 million for victims of Forex Litigation fraud

Victims of the Traders International Return Network (“TIRN”) fraud are to be refunded more than US$10 million.  Giambrone successfully represented hundreds of investors in a Class Action suit brought against TIRN. Giambrone International...

The Italian Court of Cassation against 'Anonymous' hacker

(Supreme Court – Judgment of December 16, 2013 n. 50620) An important judgment was made recently against hacktivist from the group Anonymous. Anonymous are unhinging institutional websites across the world, leaving behind them an uncountable number...
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