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Giambrone’s senior lawyers, Alessandra Bellanca and Giorgio Bianco, are to participate in a two-day event organised by the Italian-Arab Chamber of Commerce and hosted in Cagliari, Italy.
This initiative aims to facilitate interaction and potential synergy between Italy and the Arab market.
So far, 100 Sardinian SMEs operating in a diverse range of sectors (agro-alimentary, textiles, real estate, mechanical and energy) have signed up in the hope of promoting their products and services to 20 Arab investors from Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Oman, Algeria, Tunisia, Egypt, Lebanon and Iraq.
Alessandra Bellanca, responsible for developing the Euro-Mediterranean, Middle Eastern and Asian markets, and Giorgio Bianco, responsible for the Tunisian office, will be on hand to advise on the internationalisation process of SMEs and in particular on international contracts regulations.