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Paola Vitali, Head of Giambrone's Spanish Desk in Barcelona and Anne Gadd, Head of Marketing, attended the Spanish Chamber of Commerce’s New Year party at the House of Lords. The guests of honour in attendance were, His Excellency the Ambassador for Spain, Carlos Bustarreche, the Minister of State for Global Spain, Irene Lozano, the Deputy Lord Speaker and the President of the Spanish Chamber of Commerce.
The event was very well attended. The speeches supported the opinion that Spain and the UK must strive to maintain the significant level of trade between the two countries. Irene Lozano, Minister of State for Global Spain, indicated her sadness at the UK’s decision to leave the EU and recollected the enduring historical friendly connection between Spain and England from the Peninsular War onward and the importance of continuing good trade relations.
Irene Lozano, Minister of State for Global Spain, commented to Paola and Anne that the UK is an important trade partner and is one of the top ten countries to which Spain exports and the £22 billion Spanish exports to the UK and the UK’s £14 billion exports to Spain cannot be allowed to weaken and diminish. She further commented that there was considerable concern in Spain at the unfolding situation which may lead Britain to the cliff-edge of no-deal.
Giambrone believes that the businesses that depend on the continuing trade between Spain and England must be enabled to maintain good economic trading relations and will do everything possible to assist; too many companies solely on this trade route and have done for decades. The political situation must not be allowed to pull down thriving businesses.