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As Brexit comes ever closer the great unknown will become a reality. Its effects will not only be felt in the UK and the EU but also throughout the world. How do you prepare? What will it mean for your business? Many businesses have decades of successful trading history between the UK and Europe and clearly, there is a desire to continue to do so.
The broad brush of opinion appears to throw up two diametrically opposed views; either Brexit is an amazing opportunity to broaden trading lines or it is the biggest global trade disruptor aside from a world war. The truth lies between the two; there is no doubt that full impact remains unknown and is hanging in the balance. However, one thing is for sure, the best action to take is to be proactive; to maximise your ability to survive the changes that Brexit will make to your business and business model you must be agile and prepared. Focus on your customers, staff and trading partners. There is no harm in hoping that a good deal will be reached by the politicians and trade will be able to continue but the reality is that businesses must rely on themselves to prepare and carve a strategy to manage their trading relations from ensuring a compliant supply chain to strengthening client retention, and marking sure that everything has been done to help get your goods through customs with the minimum delay, to be satisfied that they have done everything possible to smooth the path so that trading can continue post-Brexit.
Giambrone is hosting a panel discussion to examine the actions businesses can look at to maintain their trading position. The panel experts will be drawn from a range of commercial experts and our guest panellist Gina Miller, who challenged the Government on the validity of taking the country out of Europe without parliamentary sanction, she will provide some interesting insights. The event will take place on Wednesday 23 March from 6.30 p.m. in the Nash room at the Institute of Directors.
For further information about our panel discussion please email anne.gadd@giambronelaw.com or click the link to sign up here
For further information about the steps you can take to trade across the European borders post-Brexit please contact clientservices@giambronelaw.com