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Immigration can be a notoriously difficult area of law to navigate. Individuals with a duel heritage can frequently find it far from a smooth path if they decide they would like to adopt the citizenship of the country of their forefathers.
The lawyers in the Giambrone immigration department were recently faced with a problematic matter when a client of Italian extraction wished to adopt Italian citizenship. The client sought a legal opinion regarding her eligibility to apply for Italian citizenship using her great-grandfather’s lineage. It was discovered that it was not possible as her great-grandfather had lost his Italian citizenship when he became a naturalised citizen of America. This posed a significant problem as the transmission of the right to citizenship can only normally descend through the male line (pater familias), furthermore, the matter was additionally compounded by the fact that her great-grandparents were married prior to 1 January l948 before the Italian constitution was created.
This appeared to be an insurmountable hurdle. Giambrone’s lawyers carried out considerable in depth research and recommended that an attempt was made to file a claim at the Ordinary Court in Rome. Our lawyers drafted a comprehensive submission, including a detailed analysis of the entire lineage, and drew the Court’s attention to several salient points to support the submission.