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Once again the entire London office staff joined thousands of other lawyers and legal professionals from 700 legal firms in the annual London Legal Walk which raises money to assist individuals without funds to access legal services.
The 10 km walk, started and ended at the Law Society, where there was a street party for the walkers.
It is estimated that £800,000 will be raised to provide funding to support a wide range of individuals with legal issues who would otherwise be unable to access legal advice or representation. Amongst those that London Legal Walk assists, through a range of charities, are the elderly who need support to stay living independently, workers who have been unfairly dismissed or have suffered discrimination in the workplace, individuals who have been trafficked to the UK, families living in appalling living conditions as well as those people working for far less than the minimum wage.
Gabriele Giambrone said “ we are extremely pleased to support such a commendable organisation which offers help to people who would otherwise be unable to obtain justice. ”