The Application Process for the Molise Regeneration Scheme

From time to time regions in Italy offer a real estate scheme, such as the Molise regeneration scheme, aimed at revitalising a region with Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) by assisting businesses to launch in the underpopulated villages providing an enormous opportunity to the successful applicants. Italy has one of the biggest economies in the world, listed as the seventh economy globally; having the right to live in Italy and carry out business there would be an incredible opportunity for non-EU citizens. Acquiring the right of establishment within the EU and having unlimited access to move freely within and across 28 countries in Europe as well as unlimited access to a market of more than 500 million customers. Such schemes have a very swift take-up and anyone who wishes to benefit from an opportunity will need to keep a watching brief for the next opportunity. 

The Italian government is determined to encourage FDI and revitalise its fading areas to build up prosperity in the regions and has thrown open to door to individuals who have the desire, the drive and the vision to fulfil their dream. The criteria for application varies from scheme to scheme and there is always keen interest.

The lawyers at Giambrone can assist applicants with their applications to ensure that there are no errors or omissions that could result in immediate rejection. We can also provide the services of a fully qualified accountant from our internal tax and accountancy team to draft a feasibility project to make certain all the legal and tax requirements are adhered to.

If you would like to live and work in Italy, the third most popular destination for tourists in Europe, with a wonderful climate, unique history and culture, not to mention the fabulous cuisine and wines to fulfil a dream of a new successful life. If you would like to know more about regeneration schemes when they arise please click here.