Start your Application for Italian Citizenship with the benefit of Legal Advice to prevent Rejection

In order to obtain Italian citizenship without encountering problems that will delay or stall your application expert legal advice is imperative.  The unprecedented demand for dual citizenship across Europe, triggered by the UK’s withdrawal from the EU, has left many countries struggling to manage the volume of applications.  All the categories for application for Italian citizenship requires supporting documentation. Elze Obrikyte, who heads our immigration team in Palermo, commented: “the Consulate is scrutinising every applicant’s documentation with far greater vigour than in the past and applications are being rejected for the smallest defect” Elze further commented, “so much time can be lost if an application is rejected and has to be started all over again once the problem has been remedied”.  Obviously, if the application has the benefit of an expert lawyer reviewing all the documents there is a far better chance of the application being approved for the next stage.  Any noticeable gap or mistake in the documentation will be picked up by the lawyers who will then find a way around the problem before the application is made.

Many people who would like to obtain Italian citizenship do not have sufficient knowledge as to what precisely is required by the Consulate when they decide to apply themselves, it is only when they start their application that they realise that what seemed like a simple exercise is far from simple in certain cases. Due to the Consulate’s recent policy of excessive scrutiny, our lawyers have developed tactics to avoid rejection due to shortcomings in the documentation.  Giambrone’s immigration team has managed to overcome some sizeable difficulties in the past resulting in our clients being able to realise their ambition of becoming Italian citizens against the odds.  Elze and the team utilise their collective well-regarded expertise and considerable experience to navigate the various barriers that are placed in the path of the applicants.  Many of our clients have planned to retire to Italy and sometimes this raises the problem of locating documents relating to Italian parents that have not been seen for many years.  Fortunately our lawyers are very familiar with such a situation and can advise the applicant as to how to piece together evidence of their Italian background enabling them to reach an acceptable level of proof that is sufficiently substantial to be deemed adequate by the Consular Officers, which in turn, enables our clients to achieve their desired Italian retirement.

The Consular officers have considerable discretion and it is very important to be well briefed prior to the face to face appointment at the Consulate; this crucial interview can make or break an application and applicants must attend the interview alone without any support.  Giambrone’s immigration lawyers make every effort to predict all the questions an applicant may possibly be asked and provide them with guidance as to how to answer.  Giambrone is pleased to say that we have a remarkable track record of success.  

Elze and her team have just recently successfully guided a number of clients to Italian citizenship.

If you would like to know more about how to reduce your risk of a rejected application for Italian citizenship please click here