Keeping Safe on the Ski Slopes

What could be better than a truly white Christmas on the ski slopes? The vast majority of people are completely aware of the potential hazards and the dangers could arise on the slopes and rarely choose to take avoidable risks. Whilst, with vigilance and the right equipment, you can avoid the potential for a variety of accidents. Ensuring that all the safety equipment is a) present, b) in good order and c) you actually use it form part of the practical steps that you can take to keep safe on the slopes. Assuming that your safety equipment fits you and you know the bindings that are best for you it considerably lessens the obvious risk of an accident. 

Some of the things that are not always so obvious are:

  • Not recognising your own capabilities. Skiing is a very particular skill and it may be that after a period of time there may be a lessening of ability leading to the potential for an accident.
  • Avoid skiing in fading light.
  • Being vigilant with regard to your fellow skiers. Are those around you fully capable of handling the slope?
  • Do not distract yourself on the slopes by checking your phone.

The main cause of an accident on the slopes is a collision with another skier or snowboarder, so be vigilant and keep a check on who may be coming your way. Another common cause is not noticing an obstruction, a branch or barrier or even a tree that is in your path. The chair lift is another area that can result in accident.

Absolute vigilance at all times and ensuring that you make every effort to be aware of your environment both the terrain and the individuals around you as the consequences of a serious accident may be lifelong. The personal injury team at Giambrone is very experienced in dealing with complex skiing accident cases and was instructed in a matter where a skier, who had consumed too much alcohol, embarked on a reckless descent during the course of which he lost control and collided with our client causing catastrophic life-changing injuries. After a long fight, Giambrone was able to prove liability after successfully brushing aside a frequently used argument that skiing is a risky often dangerous sport and our lawyers were able to obtain substantial compensation for his family to reflect the injured party’s radically altered life.

If you or a member of your family have the misfortune to be injured whilst skiing or snowboarding it is vital to gather as much supporting evidence as you can. Evidence in the shape of an eye witness is particularly helpful. If at all possible make photographic and written records of the event at the time of the accident. Do not forget the resort staff who may have witnessed the event. Even an injury that is regarded as relatively minor should be properly investigated at the time as the implications are not always immediately obvious and it is better to be cautious than miss something of significance. Our lawyers will guide you through the process and ensure that you have the best chance of obtaining the compensation for your injury that you deserve

If you would like to know more about making a personal injury claim following a skiing accident please click here.