Family Law in Lockdown - Divorce and Separation

The stresses and strains of the extraordinary times that the world is experiencing with the global lockdown is shining a spotlight on relationships of all types; none more than marriage.  For many people the crisis has proved to be the catalyst for change and has signalled the end of their marriage. The strain of living in such close proximity can swiftly lead to seriously acrimonious “last straw” arguments, fracturing the family.  Research tells us that the searches online for information related to divorce have soared. Despite the obvious difficulties that making such a decision whilst social distancing rules are still in place, remote working and technology enables some steps to be taken to indicate your intentions, including, if the worst happens during this pandemic and you are unable to care for your children of the marriage. 

One universal absolute imperative for all families, particularly where there are step-parents who have not acquired parental responsibility, is how, where and by whom the children of the marriage are cared for if you are no longer able to look after them or communicate your wishes. The coronavirus pandemic demands that individuals face the inescapable fact that there is a tangible risk to everyone and nobody can rely on simply hoping that in their absence or worse still death, that their children will be cared for as you would want them to be. The coronavirus is not limited only to people with pre-existing health issues or to those over a certain age and when it strikes, it does not leave anyone with much thinking time.

Giambrone’s family law team is still able to advise on a wide variety of issues relating to divorce and matters relating to children and finance.  Individuals, especially those who believe that their marriage is no longer viable and divorce is inevitable, can start the process of separation or divorce during social distancing.  A decision taken during such a stressful time can be varied if you feel, when the crisis abates and everyone’s lives return to normal that you would like to reverse your decision you can do so in the knowledge that all communications between our lawyers in Giambrone’s family team and our clients are held in the utmost confidence.  Your decision will be respected and the matter will end at your request.

In this most difficult of times it is not a surprise to learn that people who have married a foreign national and live in the country of their spouse find that they want the comfort of their own culture and the support of their family. Giambrone’s family law team has extensive experience and expertise in assisting and advising in cross-border divorce.  The jurisdiction in which the divorce is executed is of great significance and there are many factors that must be considered before deciding where the divorce should take place.  One major factor is the UK’s exit from the EU which has considerably altered the previous reciprocal arrangements in divorce,  and the financial arrangements that follow.  Our lawyers strongly advise that divorcing couples where there is a choice of jurisdictions due to their residence and/or nationality should take expert advice from family lawyers that are experts in cross-border family law.

If you would like more information on divorce or separation please click here