Legal recognition of Video Conferencing to enable a Will to be witnessed

The coronavirus crisis and the high level of fatalities have resulted in uncertainty and concern leaving many people recognising the urgent need to make a will.  The significant restrictions of lockdown including social distancing and shielding...

Whistleblowers highlight the Firms forcing Employees to work whilst on Furlough

As the measures the government took to assist businesses at the height of the coronavirus crisis are slowly being phased out and furloughed employees are being brought back into the workplace, it has been discovered that approximately six million of the 9.4...

A Pre-nuptial Agreement could avoid costly Legal Battles after Divorce

Pre-nuptial agreements in various forms have been in existence in certain countries since ancient times. In modern times they have been widely acknowledged as valid across a number of European countries as well as in Canada, Australia and the USA. ...

What can be done if your Reputation has been Attacked

A reputation is hard to win and easy to lose. Information travels fast, there is now a situation which has been created where, to paraphrase Shakespeare, information can go around the world in forty minutes. The span and online presence of social...

When Banter turns to Bullying in the Workplace

A large number of employers have the challenges of rebuilding the business after the coronavirus lockdown and others also have to ensure that they have a plan to navigate the possibility of a no-deal Brexit. The last thing that is needed is an...

Help with creating a Family - make sure all Parties understand the Arrangement

The judgment in the High Court made by Mrs. Justice Theis with regard to a sperm donor’s battle to be permitted to contact his six-year-old daughter illustrates the vital importance of taking the trouble to have a legal agreement drafted and agreed...

Surviving the Perfect Storm of Brexit and the impact of Coronavirus

It is predicted that Britain will fall into recession this week. The threat of recession, and it is difficult to see how a significant recession can be avoided in the wake of the coronavirus pandemic, is not a new experience. Britain and Europe face the...

Italy widens criminal corporate liability with a new Decree No. 75 to harmonise with the EU

The Italian government issued a Legislative Decree No. 75 on 15 July 2020 in order to implement EU Directive 2017/1371, also known as the PIF Directive which is intended to support the ongoing harmonisation of the EU Member States’ criminal...

What will happen at the EU and UK borders after December 2020

British businesses doing business in Europe must now finalise their preparations for the final phase of Brexit at the same time as managing the wide-ranging effects of the coronavirus pandemic. In light of the fact that the negotiations between Britain and...

Non-disclosure Agreements and Confidentiality Clauses

Non-disclosure agreements (NDA) are used to seal the lips across a range of situations in nearly all industry sectors. Organisations, particularly the many industry sectors that depend on constant innovation and new developments, need to ensure that their...

If you would like to live in Italy the Visa route may be best

If you would like to live in Italy but do not have any of the required criteria that grants dual nationality it still is possible to gain the right to live in Italy.  There are several options available; as Britain has left the EU some paths to...

Who gets the Pet in Divorce?

The immense disruption divorce brings with it is often caused by such issues as the separation of assets and the custody of any children of the marriage and is one of the most challenging things that a couple can go through. Increasingly another aspect...

The Divorce, Dissolution and Separation Act 2020 - the long waited No-Fault Divorce

Royal assent was granted to the Divorce, Dissolution and Separation Bill on 25 June 2020 heralding the hotly anticipated “no-fault divorce”. Whilst the Act is unlikely to come into force before Autumn 2021, at the earliest, it is...

Help with Medical Negligence Compensation Claims Abroad

Irrespective of where you are in the world the expectation of the duty of care owed by medical professionals to their patients should be to the highest standards and consistent. The current coronavirus crisis has sharpened the awareness of medical risk in...

Returning to the Workplace - How to manage the Next Step

The government's announcement today regarding the workforce returning to the workplace aimed at stepping closer to normality has provoked conflicting responses. The Prime Minister has placed the responsibility for staff safety squarely on the...

New Law to help UK and Foreign Businesses survive the consequences of the Coronavirus Crisis

It is fair to say that the speed and impact of the coronavirus pandemic is unprecedented in recent times. The government had very little thinking time to introduce measures to off-set the devastating commercial effects of global lockdown and act as a...

Consent Orders can be the Best Way forward in Divorce

Prior to the arrival of the coronavirus and lockdown the Office of National Statistics (ONS) recorded that the divorce rate in the UK was dropping with 42% of marriages ending in divorce. However, anecdotal evidence appears to indicate that there is...

Bankruptcy judge approves $150 million for TelexFree pyramid scheme victims

Giambrone's financial fraud team is pleased to announce that, at a recent hearing on 08 July 2020, Judge Melvin S. Hoffman of US Bankruptcy Court in Boston approved a plan to disburse more than $150 million to about 100,000 people who lost money when...

The Bribery Act - How Businesses can Neutralise the Risk

White-collar crime remains one of the rising areas of criminal activity in the UK, The Office of National Statics (ONS) reports a 9% increase in their latest statistics. As businesses attempt to keep afloat and retrieve their pre-coronavirus position...

Divorce and the Family Business

Divorce is nearly always an upsetting experience and often becomes more distressing as the arrangements concerning finances and children progress. The situation can be considerably amplified when a family business is involved. Unravelling the assets of...
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