Biased Financial Settlements in Overseas Divorces can be varied by the courts in England and Wales in some circumstances

The current way of living due to the coronavirus pandemic appears to have heightened the tensions felt within a number of marriages which has subsequently resulted in a greater number of couples filing for divorce. In the cases of marriages where the...

Writing a Will brings Clarity and Peace of Mind to your Family

Most people recognise the wisdom of making a will, however, a large percentage of young adults do not see it as an imperative task but it is something that all of us need to consider at some point in our lives. A millennial reading this might be thinking...

The new Arbitration Rules introduced by the International Chamber of Commerce are a Step towards Clarity and Control

As the International Chamber of Commerce  unveiled its new governing rules, an eye was cast back to 2017 to see what steps have been taken in the consistent development and re-tooling a platform that forms the basis to a fundamental area of alternative...

GameStop - Backlash by Amateur Investors against Trading 212

Whilst it is well known that the global markets are volatile and unpredictable, the clamour surrounding GameStop regarding the amateur day-traders and professional investors is noticeably louder and has reached the ears of the regulators and the new...

The Financial Conduct Authority sends a Dear CEO letter to Insurers to set out it Expectations

Following on from the Supreme Court decision on 15 January 2021 relating to the Financial Conduct Authority’s (FCA) test case brought to clarify the implication of business interruption clauses in the current coronavirus pandemic for both...

Material Adverse Change Clauses - Draft Carefully

The unprecedented situation that the coronavirus pandemic has delivered to global commerce has impacted on a variety of contractual issues related to non-contentious day-to-day transactions.  The exchange of contracts marks the formalisation of an...

Financial Fraud rises but the Fight-back also continues

The consequences of Covid-19 appear to have played a significant part in the escalation of financial fraud which causes very real harm to the victims. Many people working in affected industry sectors such as hospitality and tourism that have been decimated...

Financial Services and Cross-border Investment Disputes after Brexit

Within the European single market, firms established in any European Economic Areas (EEA) member states could use ‘passporting’ rights to provide financial services in the UK without being directly authorised by the Financial Conduct Authority...

What happens next following the Supreme Court's judgment on Business Interruption Clauses?

The long-awaited decision from the Supreme Court  regarding Financial Conduct Authority’s  (FCA) test case for the business interruption clauses in commercial insurance policies has been announced, with the Court deciding in favour of...

Dual Citizenship - How to Travel, Work and Live in Italy after Brexit

Every-day life related to Europe for UK citizens post-Brexit has completely changed. Initially, there was inevitable confusion, not only amongst individuals but also amongst organisations, for example, some airlines barred travel to Europe for UK...

A Brief Guide to Data Protection Law and Data Privacy

The Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) is the regulatory body that oversees compliance with the data protection rules and fines organisations when breaches of personal data occur.  It has the capacity to issue fines under the General Data...

What does the Future hold for Restrictive Covenants in Employment Contracts

It is completely understandable that all businesses want to limit the potential for former employees to poach their clients. In the current commercial climate is it all the more imperative to hang on to existing clients. Post-termination...

Enforcing Judgments of the Courts of England and Wales in Italian Courts from January 2021

Now the Brexit transition period is over any judgement in an English court which needs to be enforced in Italy is now treated as a foreign judgment. In order to enforce a foreign judgement, an application will need to be made to the Italian Court of Appeal....

Divorce Day 2021 - far more people search "I want a divorce"

The incredibly difficult global situation being faced at the moment a result of the coronavirus pandemic has considerably amplified the strain that many married couples have experienced over the past few months. The considerable pressure of lock-down...

EU/UK Trade Cooperation Agreement

As we know, the UK and the EU have finally agreed on the terms of a post-Brexit free trade agreement and following the vote in the House of Commons, it will enter into force from 1 January 2021. This long-awaited deal provides all the necessary...

How to sell or terminate a Spanish Timeshare

The concept of timeshare was enthusiastically embraced by the British people buying mainly in Europe with Spain being particularly popular. Many people now find that a timeshare does not offer the advantages it previously did as the foreign holiday market...

Pre-nuptial Agreements - Points to Consider

Many more couples are considering pre-nuptial agreements, in part because the average age at which people marry is nearly 36 years for women and 38 years for men according to the Office of National Statics.  Individuals in their mid to late thirties...

Employment Law still stands- Cutting Corners could be Costly

Reports in the press reveal that the Office of National Statistics ’ (ONS) latest statistics show that there have been 370,000 redundancies in the period leading up to the second lockdown, a record number; with the overwhelming majority as a result of...

FCA launches Guidance for Businesses on evidence required for Business Interruption Claims

The Supreme Court is still considering the Financial Conduct Authority’s (FCA) test case regarding the validity of business interruption insurance policies wordings, with a decision to the crucial issue now promised in the New Year.  The FCA...

A Basic Guide to starting a Business in Spain

In the face of the extraordinary unprecedented multiple challenges that are being faced worldwide it would be understandable for many businesses to adopt a pessimistic attitude, particularly those in the UK aiming to do cross-border business in Europe. ...
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