In the current economic climate, businesses are battered by the effects of Brexit and the coronavirus pandemic. All businesses have to keep strict control of all aspects of their finances, especially during difficult times. A business faced with a...
The Italian tax authorities ( Agenzia delle Entrate ) have been promoting the new enhanced non-dom rules since 2017 in the hope of attracting high net worth individuals ( HNWI) including successful business executives, sportspeople, artists and fashion...
The gambling platform Football Index drastically slashed the share price on their site causing an unprecedented crash leaving many users looking at big losses, some furious users losing their life savings. Football Index, the so-called “real money...
Time and costs are two vital elements of formal legal proceedings that tend to create concern and attention from prospective clients seeking to resolve disputes. Nevertheless, what is often overlooked is the immediacy from which one must approach formal...
Of all the problems the workplace dynamic can present, bullying can be one of the most difficult to deal with. Workplace bullying is defined by Advisory, Conciliation and Arbitration Service . (ACAS) as “offensive, intimidating,...
Reputations can be damaged in many ways, but few can be more upsetting than the sharing of sexually explicit images on the internet. Whilst it is already illegal to actually share such images without the express permission of the subject and with the...
The Spanish government has drafted proposals aimed at bringing in a number of resourceful changes to opening a business in Spain which will reduce both the financial and administrative responsibilities when setting up a new business. The reality of the...
The lockdown caused by the coronavirus pandemic has seen an increase, not only in divorce but in parental child abduction. When a married couple is composed of two different nationalities and divorce rears its head it is not uncommon for one parent to...
The government has now set out guidance as to the proposed easing of the lockdown rules , whilst the immediate advice is still to work from home if at all possible, within very few months employers will be asking their staff to return to the workplace....
The unanimous Supreme Court landmark ruling that Uber drivers should be designated as workers and not as “self-employed” provides the drivers with a new raft of basic rights such as paid holiday, rest breaks and to be paid the national minimum...
A Power of Attorney has more than one function, enabling another person to assume responsibility for another person’s affairs when that person, known as the doner, has lost the capacity to make lucid decisions; or act for a donor when they are unable...
The vast majority of people are aware that personal, often sensitive, data about them is retained by a number of organisations. The steady move towards online shopping, amplified by the global lockdown, has resulted in a far greater number of people adding...
Italy has always been an extremely popular destination for both for summer holidays and as a retirement relocation. The more relaxed way of life, the cuisine and the climate are tempting. After a year of lockdown, without holidays or much...
Despite a Supreme Court judgment in the Financial Conduct Authority's (FCA) business interruption test case being overwhelmingly in support of the policyholders, it seems there is still considerable mileage for disputes over coverage to continue...
The flow of information in the modern day is something that individuals and companies consistently concern themselves within a world that is increasingly connected. Where Brexit impacts legislation and the way European law influences the decisions of...
A cryptocurrency or crypto is a digital asset that is secured by cryptography. It is designed to work as a medium of exchange where individual coin ownership records are stored in a ledger in a form of a database. It allows for online payments that are...
Italy has been an extremely popular destination for UK travellers for decades and post-Covid-19 it is hoped that normal service will resume. Whether travelling abroad for business or pleasure, the possible threat of personal injury is something that we...
The protection that the financial regulators have factored into the market trading regulations as a protection with regard to novice investors is there for a very good reason, one that has been starkly demonstrated by the tragic suicide of a 20-year-old...
The protection that the financial regulators have factored into the market trading regulations as a protection with regard to novice investors is there for a very good reason, one that has been starkly demonstrated by the tragic suicide of a 20-year-old...
The reverberations of the Financial Conduct Authority’ s (FCA) test case brought to define once and for all whether the consequences arising from coronavirus pandemic could be deemed to trigger business interruptions clauses in commercial...