If you have Assets Abroad, Leave a Will not a Muddle for your Loved Ones

One of the biggest lessons that the coronavirus pandemic has taught us is to keep our affairs in order and prepare for the unexpected as few people would have predicted the sudden rise and devastating fatal effect of the pandemic on so many people including...

Are you an EU citizen living in the UK? Do you want to remain living in the UK? Have you applied for Settled Status?

Young ambitious Europeans have for many decades chosen to expand their experience by living and working in the UK, the UK has always welcomed the diversity they bring.  Following the UK’s final exit from the European Union on 31 December...

Failure to comply with Employment law can have Serious Financial Implications

There has been a sharp rise in complaints and the threat of litigation aimed at businesses over the past five years. Cityam reports nearly half all complaints are made by employees and a further surge is expected when the furlough scheme ends. The most...

Arrested Overseas? Early Intervention by a Criminal Defence Lawyer can make all the Difference

There are few things more disturbing than being involved in a criminal incident abroad. Few people go on holiday and expect to face arrest, but should this happen, for whatever reason, you may have to deal with the language barrier, unfamiliar...

Cross-border Divorce - Which Jurisdiction?

The anxieties and strain that the coronavirus pandemic has brought globally have been a significant factor in the increasing divorce levels that are being seen in countries across Europe. It is inevitably amongst the thousands of British ex-pats living...

Spanish Assets can be transferred to a Relative by Deed of Gift/Donation

A Gift or Donation under the Spanish Civil Code allows an individual to dispose of an asset in favour of another person on the provision that the recipient is fully prepared to accept the asset and all the liabilities that may be attached to the asset passed...

Buy a Property for One Euro in Sicily for a Change of Lifestyle or to add to your Property Portfolio

Various regions in Italy have, for some time, promoted real estate schemes whereby declining villages offer houses in need of restoration at a price of one euro.  These schemes differ in the detail but are broadly the same, they are aimed at reviving an...

Trans-Atlantic travel to Europe permitted for all vaccinated Americans opens up Investment Opportunities in Spain

American tourists still hoping to be able to visit Europe have received good news from Brussels.  Ursula von der Leyen, the European Commission president, has confirmed in an interview in The New York Times that the EU is suspending its ban on...

A Golden Visa allows you and your family to live in Spain without time limit - you may be eligible if you already have a house in Spain

Britain’s exit from the European Union has cast a long shadow over the British ex-pat community in Spain, many of whom find themselves in the position of having their established lifestyle of spending their summer at their second home in Spain thrown...

Have you Inherited a house in Spain? A Guide to Probate in Spain

The potential one million Spanish residential properties that the Spanish government estimates are owned by British citizens form part of the fixed assets each British citizen who owns a second home in Spain and forms part of the owner’s estate which...

Do you want to spend more than 90 days in your Spanish property this Summer?

For many decades Spain has been the European country of choice for British citizens buying a property abroad, quality of life and warm climate coupled with the affordable real estate prices makes Spain an excellent choice for a holiday home.  The...

Protect your Business with Cast Iron Contracts suitable to your cross-border Trading Landscape

Many contentious commercial disputes arise from a failure to ensure that terms of business within transaction-related contracts have not been properly reviewed in light of the nature of the business deal to be undertaken.  One of the key issues is to...

Is there a Danger of your Ex-partner relocating Abroad with your Children without Permission? A Prohibited Steps Order can prevent this.

A relationship breakup, particularly if the couple has minor children, is almost always the most upsetting thing that the couple will have experienced. The situation is nearly always heightened where the couple are nationals of different countries...

The Strategic Advantage of a Class Action related to Employment Law

The employees and workers in three significant organisations have recently all enjoyed an impressive level of success in the courts.  Uber now has to recognise their drivers as workers, as opposed to being self-employed and provide them with the...

Spanish legal regulations on Foreign Direct Investment

Foreign direct investment (FDI) (Inversión Extranjera Directa) involves the transfer of capital by economic entities from one country to another country, with the intention of establishing businesses or subsidiaries there, as well as acquiring or...

Cross-border Divorce - Guidance on which Jurisdiction

Taking the decision to divorce is clearly a life-changing decision. There are additional considerations when the divorcing couple are nationals of different countries and may be entitled to divorce in either country. There are many things that...

Giambrone combats the Rise of Investment Fraud

Investment fraud has risen extensively during the Covid-19 lockdown, Action Fraud  reported a steep rise in cases with Pauline Smith, head of Action Fraud, commenting " The coronavirus outbreak sadly led to many people losing their job...

The validatory associations made by Football Index to encourage users may be banned in future

Football Index and its subsequent crash is has sent out ripples in all directions. Initially, Football Index was supported by the great and the good. Some of whom are living to regret their close association with the gambling platform. Founded...

Child Abduction - How to Prevent your Ex-spouse from taking your Children Abroad permanently

The unprecedented circumstance of lockdown due to the Covid-19 pandemic has placed an intolerable strain on marriages already pressure leading, in many situations, to marriage breakdown. Where the couple are nationals of different countries when the couple...

The role of the Gambling Commission is under scrutiny in relation to Football Index

Football Index, the betting platform that is now suspended, was always regarded as a risky unsustainable enterprise by the broader gambling industry.  It is reported in the Guardian today that Football Index was highlighted to the Gambling Commission ...
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