Moroccan Lawyers

Giambrone & Partners has a strong reputation for providing legal advice and immediate assistance to private clients and international businesses.

Our Moroccan lawyers are experts in various branches of law, including civil, criminal, administrative, and commercial law. We are here to assist you with a wide range of legal issues, offering services in Moroccan languages.

Our main legal services include:

  1. Accidents and compensation claims
  2. Real Estate Law
  3. International debt recovery
  4. Legal assistance for successions and inheritance
  5. International divorce and child custody

Under the guidance of Giorgio Bianco, a partner, our Moroccan office provides multilingual assistance in Arabic, French, English, Italian, and Spanish. We can support foreign investors and international companies wishing to engage in commercial activities in Morocco, including debt recovery, divorce, real estate and personal injury.

We offer personalised advice on legal issues related to real estate investments, successions with assets in Morocco and the UK, employment law, commercial disputes, and debt recovery. We are also able to assist in personal injury, road accidents, divorce proceedings, adoption, wills, succession, and trusts.

Giambrone & Partners collaborates with numerous prominent Moroccan companies, as well as small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and professionals. Our network of offices in Europe and North Africa, enables us to provide cross-border legal services to companies and entrepreneurs investing in Morocco.

If you would like further information about a legal issue please complete the online request form or send an email to