How to obtain Spanish citizenship by descent

There are many benefits that come with obtaining Spanish citizenship. You can apply for Spanish citizenship through a number of routes.  This guide will explain the process of how to obtain Spanish citizenship by descent, including information on eligibility, the documentation you need to complete and provide to support your application, and guidance on the process of obtaining a Spanish passport.

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Who can apply for Spanish citizenship by descent?

As the term suggests, you are eligible to apply for Spanish citizenship through descent if your family heritage is Spanish, if your parents, or grandparents were Spanish.  Your right to apply is based on jus sanguinis (blood right), you can also apply for Spanish citizenship by descent if you were adopted into a Spanish family.

This is outlined in Article 11 of the Spanish Constitution, which refers to Spanish nationality and the provisions which exist on applying through jus sanguinis, knowing the law behind your citizenship application, may help you to recognise whether or not you are eligible.

You can obtain Spanish citizenship by descent if:

  1. Your mother or father is a Spanish national
  2. Both your parents were born in Spain
  3. You were adopted by Spanish a national prior to your 18th birthday
  4. You have Spanish grandparents

What are the benefits of obtaining Spanish citizenship?

The benefit of obtaining Spanish citizenship as opposed to applying for a visa to enter Spain lies in the fact that obtaining permanent residence through a visa takes far longer and will cost more as a visa is valid for a limited amount of time, you need to re-apply and pay fees and repeat the process each time your visa expires. Whereas citizenship is a single application that lasts for life.

Here are some of the advantages of becoming a Spanish citizen, whether you are applying for reasons of travel, work, or have family commitments:

1. Travelling is easier

Travel is less stressful for you and your family, particularly if you travel to and from Spain on a regular basis. You’ll get a Spanish ID card that fits in your wallet, 

that you’ll need to remember each time you travel. rather than passports, permit papers, etc.

catalunya spain

2. Documentation is less expensive

The fees for the documentation required for an application for Spanish citizenship is (at present) €60- €100 initially, and then approximately between €11- €26 to renew your ID card or passport annually. The cost of a work visa, non-lucrative residency visa, or a visa comparative to citizenship carries an annual cost..

3. The right to vote

For most people, native-born or otherwise, the right to vote in the country in which you reside is an important part of life. Becoming a Spanish citizen will allow you to vote in Spain, enabling you to have a say in things that affect daily life and other political activities.

What are the steps for applying for Spanish citizenship through descent?

The process of applying for Spanish citizenship can take some time. It would be wise to plan your application and ensure that you are fully aware of the steps you need to take and the documentation you will require to support your application. Here are the basic steps you need to take:

  • Obtain all documents required to prove you meet the criteria for Spanish citizenship through descent
  • Pass the two citizenship exams, DELE A2 and CCSE. DELE A2 is a basic language test, and CCSE tests knowledge of Spanish social-cultural customs and knowledge of the Spanish Constitution
  • Pay the application fee and post your documents

The expert lawyers in Giambrone & Partners' Spanish immigration team can advise and assist you with any queries.  Our lawyers will also ensure that the documentation you have provide to support your application is valid and correct to avoid rejection. 

For more information please click here 

What documents do I need to obtain for a Spanish citizenship application?

The documents you need will vary depending on your route to citizenship and may include:

  • Your current passport and residency documentation, if applicable
  • Spanish marriage certificate
  • Proof of employment in Spain
  • Criminal background check
  • A document confirming you have passed the DELE A2 and CCSE exams
  • Proof of payment regarding the application fees

How much does it cost to apply for Spanish citizenship?

At the time of writing the fees are between €60-€100 to apply for Spanish citizenship. However, additional fees may be required if additional documentation is requested.  Application fees are not refundable, regardless of whether your application is successful. 

Is there an alternative way to apply for Spanish citizenship if I do not have Spanish relatives?

There are a number of alternative ways to apply for citizenship in Spain, including:

Do you need assistance in applying for Spanish citizenship?

Giambrone & Partners has a highly experienced immigration team, which can provide guidance on completing your application and reviewing your documentation to eliminate the risk of errors resulting in your application being rejected. Fill out a callback form. for further information.

FAQs on applying for Spanish citizenship

Can you have dual American and Spanish citizenship?

Citizens of Ibero-American countries (mainly in South America) can obtain dual citizenship after two years under their second nationality.

Can you get a Spanish passport if your husband is Spanish?

Yes, after one year of marriage.

How long do you need to live in Spain to get citizenship?

It depends on which type of citizenship route you take. You can speak to us today for further guidance on this.

Will a Spanish work visa grant me the right to work in any EU country?

Yes, Spain is part of the EU and EU citizenship enables you to work in any EU Member State.

How much time does it take to process the citizenship application?

As with most citizenship applications, it can be a lengthy process. This is because some citizenship routes require you to live and work in the country for a period of time before submitting an application.  Also, there is the time required to take and pass the examinations on Spanish language and culture.



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