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Italian dual citizenship provides a wide range of benefits, including flexible travel in the EU, the ability to vote and access to a wide range of jobs in Italy. However, the process can be complex and time-consuming if you are unsure on the requirements. This guide will explain everything you need to know about applying for Italian dual citizenship, including the benefits, how to qualify, completing a form and using a service.
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If you are a UK citizen who is eligible to apply for Italian dual citizenship, the advantages of obtaining this are rich and often life-changing. You are granted more rights than you would be given with a permanent residence visa. The key advantages of Italian dual citizenship are as follows:
There are some beautiful houses and apartments at attractive prices all over the country, and as an Italian citizen, it means your ability to buy a property there is far more assured.
Being an Italian citizen means that you can come and go, and have the ability to reside indefinitely in Italy and/or in any of the EU Member States, as well as travel freely across Europe without any legal worries.
University fees in Italy are affordable, with fees at public universities costing 1,000 Euros or less per year. Italian citizenship allows you to enjoy quality education in Italy for yourself and your children.
Italy has fantastic job prospects for fluent English speakers. Being an Italian citizen may make you more attractive to Italian employers, as there is far less paperwork and cost involved when you apply for jobs.
You will be able to take part in the democratic process in both countries, meaning you’ll have your say in how Italy grows and changes.
As an Italian citizen, your citizenship will automatically transfer to any children you have who are under eighteen. This means that they will also enjoy all the benefits of being a dual Italian/UK citizen.
You should also bear in mind that sometimes dual citizens are not eligible for government positions, as they are often held solely for people with allegiance to a single country.
You can read more about the advantages and disadvantages of Italian dual citizenship here.
You can qualify for Italian dual citizenship through the following methods:
For more guidance on qualifying for Italian dual citizenship and the documents you need, you can read our guide on How to qualify for Italian dual citizenship.
There are different ways to apply for citizenship, and this will dictate which documents you need and when you can complete your form. If you are applying for Italian citizenship through Italian descent, also known as “jus sanguinis” (an Italian parent or Italian ancestry), you can download an application form from the Italian consulate general. You should also download a Declaration of Applicant Form and a Declaration of Living Italian Descendant or Declaration of Deceased Italian Descendant.
If you are applying for Italian citizenship through marriage, you need to create an account and fill out an online application on the Italian Ministry of Interior and upload scans of all the required documents, before your final appointment with a consulate.
Your application through naturalisation should be addressed to the Italian President of the Republic and lodged at the Prefettura of the Province, where the applicant is formally registered as resident in Italy.
Your application must be signed in front of the officer during the appointment at the consulate.
If you are residing in Italy, your application will need to be filed with the local “Prefettura”. You will submit your application online and then later go for an appointment with the consulate.
You can read more tips on completing your form in our guide Completing an Italian dual citizenship form.
The well-regarded immigration lawyers in Giambrone can help prevent your application from being rejected and will help you every step of the way. We offer the following services, and more:
Giambrone is an award-winning cross border law firm, which uses its global office network to provide dual citizenship assistance.
Read more about our immigration services here. You can also visit our website and complete a callback request to get started today.
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The advantages and disadvantages of Italian dual citizenship
Completing an Italian dual citizenship form
Qualifying for Italian dual citizenship
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