How Do I Draft a Victim Impact Statement in Spain

In the wake of a crime, victims often find themselves navigating unfamiliar legal processes when seeking justice and closure. A victim impact statement is a powerful tool that provides victims with an opportunity to voice the emotional, physical, and financial repercussions of the crime. Constructing a victim impact statement can be a challenging process, particularly if you do not have support. Our Spanish lawyers (Abogados) can assist you in drafting and submitting a victim impact statement.

This guide aims to explain the process and process of creating a Victim Impact Statement (VIS) in Spain. We will explain the definition and significance of a VIS, eligibility for submitting one, the structure and content to include, the timing of submission, and how Spanish criminal lawyers at Giambrone and Partners, can assist in this crucial process.

Click on the links below to jump to that section:

Discover exactly what you need to know about a victim impact statement

The criteria related to a victim impact statement

Find out how to begin writing your victim impact statement

There are various aspects your statement should include, our lawyers can help you every step of the way

Timing is key when drafting your victim impact statement

How we can assist

What is a Victim Impact Statement?

A Victim Impact Statement is a written or oral account provided by a victim, or in some cases their family members, describing the effects of a crime on their lives. It serves as a crucial element in the criminal justice process, allowing the court to understand the personal consequences of the offence. This statement can influence sentencing decisions by offering insight into the emotional, psychological, physical and financial toll of the crime. While it does not determine the guilt or innocence of the defendant, a VIS can provide a human perspective to the otherwise fact-based legal proceedings.

European police. Regulatory uniform. Insignia of the National Police

Who is Entitled to Make a Victim Impact Statement in Spain?

In Spain, the legal framework allows victims of crime, their families, or legal representatives to submit a Victim Impact Statement. This entitlement is extended to direct victims who have suffered physical or psychological harm, financial loss, or significant disruption to their lives due to the crime. Additionally, close relatives or dependents of a deceased victim can provide a statement, conveying the broader impact on the victim's family and social circle. It is crucial to note that the right to submit a VIS is recognised regardless of the crime's severity, ensuring that all victims have a platform to express their experiences.

Drafting a victim impact statement can be an emotionally challenging time; you can instruct multi-lingual Spanish lawyers to help write your VIS, in both Spanish and English to communicate with the courts.

How Do You begin a Victim Impact Statement?

Beginning a Victim Impact Statement can be daunting, as it involves reliving traumatic experiences. However, it is an essential step in conveying the personal impact of the crime. The process typically begins with a brief introduction, stating the victim's identity and relation to the case. It is advisable to include basic details about the crime, such as the date, nature, and circumstances, to provide context. The initial focus should be on factual information, which sets the stage for the more subjective elements of the statement. The statement can be written in English or Spanish, then translated.

A helpful approach is to outline the statement before writing in full. Consider the key points you want to communicate: how the crime has affected your daily life, relationships, and mental well-being. It is beneficial to gather any supporting documents, such as medical records or financial statements, to substantiate your claims. This preparation not only helps in organising thoughts but also ensures that the statement is comprehensive and impactful.

To seek help navigating the Spanish courts and drafting a victim impact statement, contact our Spanish lawyers today.

What information should My Victim Impact Statement contain?

The content of a Victim Impact Statement should revolve around the personal consequences of the crime. Here are some aspects to consider including:

  • Emotional and Psychological Impact: Describe how the crime has affected your emotional state. Have you experienced anxiety, depression, or other mental health issues? Discuss any therapy or counselling you may have needed.

  • Physical Impact: If applicable, detail any physical injuries or disabilities resulting from the crime. Include information about medical treatment, recovery processes, and long-term effects.

  • Financial Impact: Outline the financial repercussions, such as medical expenses, lost wages, or costs related to property damage. Providing specific figures can help illustrate the extent of the financial burden.

  • Social and Relational Impact: Discuss how the crime has affected your relationships with family, friends, and colleagues. Have there been changes in your social interactions or support network?

  • Daily Life Changes: Explain how your routine and lifestyle have changed since the incident. This could include disruptions to work, education, or daily activities.

  • Future Implications: Reflect on the potential long-term effects on your life. This might include ongoing medical needs, continued emotional distress, or a changed perspective on personal safety.

When writing your statement, aim for clarity and honesty. You may need to translate your statement into Spanish, which can be done with the help of a Giambrone and Partners’ Spanish criminal lawyer. You can submit your victim impact statement in England or Spain.

Cars of the Local Police of Santiago de Compostela parked in front of the Police Station

When Do I Make my Spanish Victim Impact Statement?

The timing of a Victim Impact Statement submission in Spain typically coincides with the sentencing phase of a criminal trial. After a guilty plea or verdict, the court schedules a separate hearing to determine the appropriate sentence for the convicted individual. It is during this hearing that the VIS is presented, either in writing or orally. This timing ensures that the judge has all relevant information before making a sentencing decision.

It is advisable to prepare the statement well in advance of the sentencing hearing. This preparation period allows time for careful reflection and consultation with legal counsel, ensuring that the statement accurately and comprehensively conveys the impact of the crime.

How Spanish Criminal Lawyers at Giambrone and Partners Can Help

The process of creating and submitting a Victim Impact Statement can be emotionally challenging and legally complex. The experienced criminal lawyers at Giambrone and Partners are equipped to guide victims through this process. They provide comprehensive support, including:

  • Legal Advice: Understanding the legal context of a VIS and ensuring that it adheres to procedural requirements.

  • Statement Preparation: Assisting in drafting a clear, impactful, and accurate statement that effectively communicates the victim's experience.

  • Emotional Support: Offering compassionate guidance and support throughout the process, recognising the emotional toll it can take on victims.

  • Court Representation: Representing victims in court, ensuring that their rights and interests are protected during sentencing hearings.

Giambrone and Partners are dedicated to helping victims of crime in Spain navigate the legal system with confidence and dignity. Their expertise ensures that every victim's voice is heard and respected in the judicial process. To inquire about a free consultation, please get in contact with us today.